Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is the golden coloured syrup that is formed from the nectar of flowers, collected by bees or honeybees as they are commonly called. It is composed mostly of glucose, fructose and water. But it also contains traces of enzymes, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It acts as a prebiotic which helps greatly in bowel health.

Why is Honey so good for health?
Honey has many positive qualities. Compared to other sugars and sweeteners, honey is known to maintain body blood sugars fairly constant. This is especially helpful for those who need a burst of energy before the gym. Here’s a comprehensive list of some of the goodness that it has to offer.

First of all, honey is a natural sweetener. It’s a much better, healthier option as compared to sugar. So if you choose to switch over to honey as a daily sweetener, you will gladly be dropping a large handful of calories.

It has medicinal value. For good bowel movement and internal detoxification, honey is one of the best choices. A glass of warm water with lime and honey, on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning will help flush out toxins and regulate bowel movement.

Honey also has qualities which help heal wounds and is sometimes used to stop profuse bleeding in cuts.

It is an energy booster. Besides its great taste and low calorie count, honey is known for its effectiveness in reducing muscle fatigue. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body much quicker than sugar so it is a better choice when you need an instant energy boost.

Honey is known to be an immunity builder. Its antibacterial and antioxidant properties aid the digestive system, helping to fight diseases and maintain good health.

It’s a great remedy for a hangover. Just blend 80ml orange juice, a table spoon of honey and some yogurt and drink up! Get sober in a few minutes without getting over-the-counter medication.

Sore throats and colds can be eased by drinking warm water with a dash of lime and a table spoonful of honey. A table spoon of honey on its own is also good for a sore throat.

Even sleeplessness can be helped with a little honey in combination with hot milk or chamomile tea. It works like a charm!

So you can have honey on toast, in cold drinks instead of sugar and as a sandwich spread making wonderful snacks for yourself as well as the kids. Everyone will enjoy the taste and the instant energy surge that will add sweetness to life!

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