How to Stay Fit at Work?

You certainly feel refreshed after a good workout. That’s because physical activity goes beyond improving your physical health. Regular activity enhances mood, performance and improves concentration. Being physically active on a regular basis can make a big difference to your physical and mental health and allow you to make the most of your life. Becoming more active can help you control your weight, make you feel and look better, give you more energy and help you relax.

But if you work in an office, sitting at a desk all day, then like thousands of others in your position, you are not getting enough exercise throughout the day. The lack of physical activity can have a detrimental effect on you and workplace. Those who do not exercise have a higher prevalence of obesity, diabetes and coronary heart disease. This can also affect the absenteeism and productivity in the workplace. Here are some important health benefits of being physically active in the workplace:

Improves fitness and health
Improves productivity and morale
Improves team spirit and job satisfaction
Reduces stress
Improves concentration and mental sharpness
Aids relaxation
Employers of big firms and organizations are recognizing this fact and are leaving no stone unturned for taking into account the health of their valued employees. A lot of companies these days promote exercises and aerobic classes in the office. Some offices are also equipped with a fully functional gym for all those who want to combat stress in a healthy way. However, if you don’t have a gym in your office, there are many other ways by which you can do a full body exercise in office. Check out some tips for staying in shape in the office:

Avoid transportation to office (if possible)

Make the most of your commute. Walk or use a cycle to work. It is better to walk to office if it is not very far. Switch from riding a bus to walking when you are near your office. Avoid using your car.

Take the stairs

Many people rely too heavily on elevators, even when they only work on the first or second floor. Twice a day just go up and down the stairs. This will also provide you the required break.

Look for opportunities to stand

You’ll burn more calories standing than sitting. Try standing up once and take a stroll around the office. Eat lunch standing up. You can also walk to your colleagues instead of messaging them. This will also help you socialize.

Take fitness breaks

Rather than hanging out in the lounge with coffee or a snack, take a brisk walk or do some gentle stretching. When you get a call on your mobile, get up and move around while you talk instead of talking while glued to your seat. Else, just get up and walk till the coffee machine or go to the restroom. Take breaks to move around and stretch. You can also organize a lunchtime walking group. Enjoy the company, and offer encouragement to one another when the going gets tough.

Stress Balls

Squeeze a stress ball repeatedly for a minute in each hand. Aim to form a tight fist each time. This will increase forearm strength and joint strength in the hands. It gets the blood flowing too, which is good for heavy keyboard users.

Conduct meetings on the go

When it’s practical, schedule walking meetings or brainstorming sessions. Do laps inside your building or take your walking meetings outdoors.

Do breathing exercises

Whenever possible, at least once a day, do some deep breathing exercises. This will help you relax and relieve stress of the routine work.

These small workouts will make your office day less monotone and will boost your mood as well. Furthermore, make sure to take an apple, pear, yogurt, or juice instead of cookies and coffee for your snack.

Have a great day at work!

Smart Snacks
How to Eat Healthy - Tips

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