Bollywood star Ranveer singh He was in Chennai yesterday for the release of his next film, 83. It was a star-filled event with some important names in today’s industry, including Kamal Haasan Pankaj Tripathi Jiiva To name a few. Interestingly, Ulaganayagan’s home production is releasing the film in Tamil. The event also marked the presence of greats of all time in cricket, Kapil Dev & Kris Srikkanth . The film, 83, is based on the cricket team led by Kapil Dev which won the World Cup in 1983.
At the event, Ranveer grabbed many eyeballs when he along with Jiiva (who plays Kris Srikkanth in the film) tried a popular dance step of Kamal Haasan. Speaking on the occasion, Ranveer said, He hasn’t bowled a single no ball in his entire career. He has not missed a single game, despite his injuries. He would bowl 30-40 overs in a day despite being a fast bowler . He was a power hitter, too. That’s the kind of player we are talking about here. You are one of the greatest sporting personalities to have walked this earth.