Natural Ways to Cleanse Body Toxins

How you feel is linked to your body’s ability to deal with toxins. Even given the best conditions, your body has plenty of work to do like digesting the fats, proteins and carbohydrates in your diet. Add to that the impact of leading a stressful and/or sedentary life, breathing polluted air and the result is that your body is taking in more toxins than it can expel.

Toxins have various means of entry into your body. They can get into your system by way of food, water, or even the air. As they amass in your body, you will be able to discern their manifestation in your skin, your energy level, your susceptibility to illness, etc. To put a stop to the damage these toxins cause, detoxification is necessary.

Detoxification refers to the body’s alternative process of cleansing and discarding unwanted substances out of the system. The human body has the capacity to detoxify itself but because of pollutants and other factors that our body comes across everyday, this natural ability sometimes becomes inactive. Unless you do something to eliminate toxins from your body, over time they will accumulate in the tissues, eventually leading to a lot of damage. The good news is you can make small, everyday changes that will dramatically improve your health and wellbeing by enhancing your body’s natural process of detoxification. Here are some tips to get you started:

Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeinated beverages as they are loaded with harmful chemical substances that may damage internal organs in the long process. Alcohol and smoking irritate nerve functions and disturb mental focus. Alcohol affects the liver badly. Especially if you made alcohol drinking as part of your everyday living. When it goes to the system, it will take the liver about 24-48 hours to excrete every single alcohol inside the body. When the liver can no longer clean the alcohol, it stays on the liver, thus diseases like liver cirrhosis are produced. Smoking introduces nicotine and other compounds into your body. They result in a high toxin level in your body. Over a period in time and with increased frequency, the toxins accumulate in your body, posing tremendous danger to its vital organs and the functioning of your lungs, in particular. Smoking also clogs bronchial tubes preventing natural air passage to the lungs. Caffeinated beverages are nothing but calories and sugar and can shoot up excessive weight gains.

Drink plenty of water because the kidneys cannot perform adequately without sufficient water intake. Our kidneys remove wastes like uric acid, urea, and lactic acid to name a few. All of which are dissolved in water. When there aren’t adequate amounts of water, these wastes aren’t removed effectively and kidney damage may result. The suggested amount is around 33 ml of water for every kg of body weight i.e. 2.3 liters for a 70 kg person (around 1/2 ounce for every pound i.e. 60 oz for a 120 lb person). But water alone is not an ideal tool for detoxification because it lacks balanced nutrition to supply the body with enough vitamins and minerals. Fruit juices are strongly recommended by some health professionals so as not to deprive the body from important nutrients. Fruits are good sources of natural blood sugar that help sustain brain’s normal function.

The next step is to minimize high caloric and processed food intakes. High caloric and processed foods are mostly hard to digest and lacks good amount of soluble and insoluble fibers to cleanse the digestive tract and intestinal wall. They often make the body prone to bloating and constipation. They also include toxins that are unhealthy for you. So, to detoxify your body, just keep those processed foods off your menu list.

Lay off of any animal based foods, i.e. meat, poultry, fish, pork, game, eggs, dairy, etc. Sure these foods can taste great, but they also contribute to poor digestion, a sluggish colon, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and gall stones to name but a few of the associated downsides. In addition to that, meat contains difficult to digest enzymes that means it can hang around in our systems for longer than is desirable, causing our digestion to become blocked by mucus. Some studies even claim that eating red meat can contribute to colon and prostate cancer.

Eat lots of fruits, whole grain, vegetables and foods high in fibers as it is excellent for flushing toxic residues out of the body. If you try this approach, you will see an improvement in your overall health, with many minor niggling symptoms disappearing altogether.

Increase the intake of foods like beetroot (chukandar), berries, broccoli (hari phoolgobhi), red grapes, spinach (palak) and carrot (gazar). These foods contained antioxidants that fight free-radical attacks and inflammation protecting the immune system and body cells. These help the skin texture radiant and glowing. They also contain important antioxidants called flavonoids and polyphenols to fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Increase the intake of spices. Spices are excellent for the purposes of drawing toxins out of your body and leaving you feeling more energetic and healthier in general. Eat plenty of raw garlic (lehsun) either whole, chopped up or in juices. Garlic is a premiere infection and disease fighter, which unlike antibiotics does not harm our body’s beneficial intestinal flora. Garlic increases phagocytosis; the ability of white blood cells to fight off bacterial infection (toxins). Eat fresh ginger to aid digestion, and to stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic flow. Ginger (adrak) also helps to open the pores and eliminate toxins. Consume some hot chili peppers in your meals; start with mild chilies if you are sensitive. Eating chili peppers will increase circulation throughout your body, which means more nutrition reaching your cells and wastes leaving efficiently.

Take enough rest, exercise and sleep well. Sedentary lifestyle and worn out body cells make the immune system prone to illnesses. Exercise like walking and jogging are best recommended to keep the body maintains strong stamina and boost energy levels.

When your body is not healthy, it will let you know in many ways. You don’t need products or supplements to obtain good health. If you take good care of yourself through simple ways, your body will cleanse itself NATURALLY!

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