Aging is a complex process. Humans have been aging for generations, but only recently have researchers begun to study aging seriously. As we age, our body’s organs and other systems make changes. These changes alter our susceptibility to various diseases.
Changes as you get older are usually gradual. Certain physical changes are common. Your metabolism slows over time, which means that your body needs less food energy than before. Also, most people start needing reading glasses between ages 40 and 50, and many have some hearing loss later in life. Starting in your 50s, bone aging increases. Most vital organs gradually become less efficient with age. The kidneys are less able to keep enough water in your body. And the heart can start to show signs of wear and tear caused by years of eating the wrong foods and not exercising.
Healthy aging is an art of increasing your health span (the number of years you live with the best health possible). This art helps in development and maintenance of optimal physical, mental and social well-being in older adults. Even if you have a chronic health condition like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or other health condition, you can still increase your health. Here are a few tips to help you age gracefully:
Do more exercise: Anti-aging efforts can take the form of exercise. If you exercise enough, you can make your body younger, reverse some illness and prevent age-related diseases. Regular exercise not only makes us feel fitter, more alert and younger, it also helps to prevent myriad of cardio vascular and other related diseases. One study reports that walking 30 minutes a day adds 1.3 years to a person’s life.
Have a balanced diet: Some things are good to eat and some things are bad. On the “good” list is fiber from fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and whole grains. Elimination of “bad” things is difficult, but a diet that limits fat is a must. Salt also should be limited, even for people who aren’t hypertensive. Refined sugar consumption should be limited for people with or without diabetes.
Remain Hydrated: Drink approximately eight glasses of water per day. The amount of water you drink should be determined by activity, humidity and age. To make sure that you are well hydrated, check the color of your urine. If it is dark gold, drink more. If it is like water, cut back.
Kick unhealthy habits: Of course, kicking unhealthy habits is easier said than done. Smoking and excessive alcohol ingestion can have a negative impact on health. A sedentary existence also is unhealthy. Pursuing healthy hobbies, helping others, and having a good friendship or marriage have been proven to preserve life.
Keep socially and mentally active: Having a strong network of family and friends and a range of activities is vital to your health.
Rest: Sleep and rest are essential to wellness. Each person needs slightly different amounts. The average amount of sleep required is seven hours. If you are tired, get some rest. Exhaustion can lead to many illnesses.
Watch your weight: As we age, fat tends to accumulate. The more overweight we become, the less likely we are to live long, healthy lives. Overweight and obese people are at a substantially greater risk for developing a myriad of diseases. In short, weight and obesity increase mortality.
Control your blood pressure: High blood pressure is known as the silent killer and can lead to heart attack and stroke. It is relatively easy to detect and control. Medication, exercise and proper diet are common treatments.
Be positive: This gives us a rosier view of life, and boosts our immune system as well. Every day, spend 20 minutes focused on a really uplifting thought or memory. By doing this, you will feel better and your immune system will get a boost. Be positive about your wants and needs too.
Life changes can happen quickly and without warning. To avoid making important decisions in haste or under stress, it’s best to plan ahead. Living a healthy lifestyle, becoming informed, and planning ahead are steps you can take now to help make your golden years among the best of your life!