Promise of being forever young is as attractive as getting access to heaven! The industry is worth billions of dollars and in some cases removal of each wrinkle is charged for astronomically and yet paid for happily! All civilizations since recorded history have been chasing the anti-aging dream; there are references in the Ayurvedic texts, in Greek and Egyptian manuscripts.
Ayurved used many complicated preparations containing burned gold, silver (“bhasma”) along with other herbs and essential oils plus foods and herbs to be used in daily life. The journey to youth has the following essentials:
Diet: Under nutrition and over-nutrition both can be very damaging for the body. An under nourished body lacks the energy to heal and rejuvenate itself and an over-fed body diverts all its energy to the process of digestion. The resultant – lack of time for non-urgent processes like rejuvenation are curtailed (in short if we keep eating constantly we can happily age faster).The optimum nutrition guidelines are:
A diet consisting of 50% raw food (like fruits, salads, sprouts, non-roasted nuts) and 50% cooked food like roti, rice, vegetables, low non-vegetarian consumption restricted to fish and eggs.
Needless to reiterate no processed and preserved foods should be eaten, as they contain too many toxic chemicals besides the fact that the foods are devitalized having no vital energy (which is an essential anti-aging component)
Herbs: Many herbs called “adaptogens” by western nutritionists are in fact herbs which stimulate and facilitate the removal of toxins from the body by the liver and enhance the regenerative processes of the body.
An interesting aspect of the body is that the human body like many other forms of life is capable of regenerating / re-growing parts of the body almost completely. Regeneration is most active in skin, parts of the intestinal lumen, some synaptic connections of the nervous system, large parts of the liver, reproductive organs and many other tissues.Some of the popular anti-aging herbs are ashwagandha, ginseng, amla, and triphala (due to its immense detoxifying properties) royal jelly (made by the bees as food for the queen bee which gives it super life and fertility) aloe vera.
Anti-aging preparations: Many are preparations containing combinations of dong quai, nuts and seeds, pearl powder, burned metals over high temperatures to the base mineral form, aconite, honey, amla, lotus seeds, ginko biloba, lyceum fruit, sea horse, schizandra.
Detoxification and dispelling nervous energy to get true rejuvenation benefits. The art of breathing right is vital, besides the fact that breath and the science of breathing right are linked to a huge amount of stress free living, better concentration and memory and of course a more youthful living.
Regular asans and walks: Many asans in yoga are linked to stimulation of the glands which in turn release more of the hormones found in high quantities in younger people.
A word of caution: Simultaneous to the rise of the anti-aging industry the rise of hormonal treatment of conditions has also been accelerated but as wisdom dictates anti-aging is all about a delicate balance of the inherent body processes and a gentle consistent stimulation of the same not a surge of artificial hormones as done by the proponents of the growth hormone therapy. Nevertheless such hormonal treatments may be of value in congenital (from birth) hormonal deficiency.